
We have an ever-continuous aspiration in learning how to write in a way that every culture with access to the magazine feels appropriate represented in their unique ways or/and is able to read the magazine, or certain articles in a way that feels natural and respecting towards their distinctive aspects of the culture they inherit.
To be able to do so we need to always be open to the process of learning, by receiving feedback, insights and knowledge from our readers and writers on their point of view seen from the culture they grow up with or morals in their lives. As a result, we hope that every piece of text we write can be embraced by as many different individuals as possible as we try to take into consideration their lives and traditions.

& input

This station for culture & input is also created so that the reader can make use of a form of direct and mature communication with the publishers, creators and writers of the magazine to share any form of input. These can be ideas or references that can be used for future articles, art directions on the subject of design, or suggestions in ways of communicating. Heck, if you think you even have a better business plan for Bully with which we can reach and help more people, please, we would be honoured if you shared it with us. We built this portal partly in the defence against hierarchy, dominant directions, and blindsight. But also to learn from all of the minds outside our own diverse team. Bully embraces intervention through lessons thought by young and old, to accelerate innovation and maintain an open platform for learning.

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